Domestic hotel, Cyprus hotels, cultural tours, abroad package tours, cruise tours, additional services, offline flight tickets, offline bus tickets, transfer sales screens you can manage all your sales. It is included in the standard Turint Core system. With the integrations, it is possible to sell air tickets and ferry tickets for many airline companies within the hotel sales module. By controlling all vouchers that occur at the time of sale, you can manage the active sales process by defining discounts and agency commission discounts.
The hotel consists of screens required to make the tour and other services available for sale and after-sales. User-friendly screens with fast and easy to use. From price creation to cost update operations, all your operational needs are met.
It allows you to quickly and accurately access many data including operation and after-sales services. You'll have access to reports that you may need for all sales types and modules. It provides accurate and fast results with various reports ranging from sales reports to name lists, payment details to daily general status. You can only authorize users to report the information they need.
It is the module used for user and branch identification, branch commissions and authorization of users. You can make some definitions via special screens required for the system and make some important changes on the reservation through these screens.
Customer and agency invoices, collection tracking and approval, virtual pos definitions, card installment and rate identification screens with the complete pre-accounting needs. Reduces your workload with integrations for formal accounting and e-billing transactions. With the integration of virtual POS and various payment systems, you can duplicate your payment options.
Virtual Poses
All banks in Turint Core have virtual pos integrations. Customers who call your call center using the customer payment page can make payments themselves.
Integrated banks:
Hotel Bookform
The Turint Core has a hotel reservation window that you can use on your website.
Tour Bookform
The Turint Core has a tour reservation window that you can use on your website.